Who is the Feast of Tabernacles For?

Past Focus

The centerpiece of the Feast in the past has been….

How great it is going to be during the millennium
Lion and lamb
beautiful settings
rain in due season; bountiful crops
wild animals are no longer an issue
healings are taking place
a revitalized earth

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Day of Atonement: Day of Coverings


Many meanings for this day

  • Satan will be bound
  • We will be at one with God
  • We see God’s love in that He was willing to give His Son
  • God’s Justification and Reconciliation, Redemption, Liberation and etc

Multifaceted feast day as we can see; we will look at yet another aspect of today

One of the names for the day is: The Day of Coverings

Read moreDay of Atonement: Day of Coverings