We and those around us are defined by the decisions that we make and the consequences that follow. The current state of the world is a direct result of the poor and ungodly choices that we make and with them comes oppression — not freedom.
Days of Unleavened Bread
What is the important meaning of the first Holy Day of the year?
What does a God Look Like?
Jesus was a representation of God the Father. But that was 2000 years ago, how can we know what He looks like today?
What is Hell?
Most of our concepts of hell do not come from the Bible, but rather many of them originate from secular and pagan sources. What does the Bible have to say about the subject?
Passover – 14th or 15th?
This a controversy that has gone on for so long it has it’s own name. We go through the Old Testament and the New showing when the original Passover was as well as when Jesus kept it.
Ambassadors of God
We have a high calling — even now in this life….
Book of 1 John
The Epistle of 1 John Verse by Verse
Coming Captivity of the Houses of Israel and Judah
Israel goes into Captivity
A. Prophecies regarding
God had laid down the choice to these people in the days of Moses, long before they were divided into two nations. Notice it in Leviticus 26:
“Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image … to bow down unto it: for I am the Eternal your God. Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the Eternal” (verses 1-2).
What’s in a Name?
A good name is a necessity for a Christian to have. Find out where one comes from and what it takes to get it.