Were the 10 Commandments in Effect before Moses?
Was the Law done away or was it just for the “Jews” or….
Let’s begin in the New Testament and define a few things
Avoiding the Unpardonable Sin
Review of What is the Unpardonable Sin
The Unpardonable Sin is an informed and willful rejection of any part of God’s way without desire to repent or change. It is a purposeful decision to continually live in any way contrary to the Law of God.
Unpardonable Sin
Eternal sins or unforgivable sins or unpardonable sins
Is there a specific sin that would keep us from eternal life? Is it everyone that has not accepted Jesus Christ in this life?
Or is this just a false doctrine and everyone will be saved no matter who they are and what they do?
Signs of the Times: Above the Law?
Lawlessness is abounding as this many news articles will attest to. There is a growing disrespect and neglect of the laws of the land — of course this has followed the disregard for the Law of God and will lead to the consequences spoken of in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28.
Spirit in Man
Duty Toward Our Brother
We spend a considerable amount of time talking about The Ten Commandments which is God’s law that governs our relationship with Him. But this law of love also begins to show us how we are to interact with others in a Godly fashion.
What is the Holy Spirit?
John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.
This is where we left off with the previous messages