Crazy in the world; losing their minds; can’t think straight;
Crazy in the church!
We are forced to ask ourselves why? Where does the blame lie?
Crazy in the world; losing their minds; can’t think straight;
Crazy in the church!
We are forced to ask ourselves why? Where does the blame lie?
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,
This is a warning to the speaker/teacher/preacher as well as the hearer/listener
Who do you think I am speaking to mostly? :)
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Unlike anything before and unless it is cut short, no one would be left alive
Will everyone have to endure this? While this is going on what will happy to God’s favored people?
This first mention of the 144,000 immediately follows the six seals during an interlude before the seventh seal.
God gave ancient Israel a set of Holy Days that outline the plan of salvation. Understanding the incredible meaning of this day begins to unlock mysteries that have remained hidden for millennia.
There is a specific prerequisite to getting into the Kingdom Of God that we need to be aware.
This ceremony depicts an integral part of the the plan of salvation. It was planned out well ahead of time — even before the physical creation and was given to the Israelites before they were able to implement it.
After the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, sent a flood and saved only Noah and his family, God implemented a blood for blood policy. If an animal or a man kills…